In the realm of ornithology, the enigmatic world of owls has long fascinated researchers and bird enthusiasts alike. Among the many intriguing aspects of these majestic creatures is the collective noun used to describe a gathering of owls, known as a ‘parliament’.

In this article, we will explore the origins and significance of this term, shedding light on the historical roots and possible reasons behind its adoption. Join us on this scientific journey as we unravel the captivating secret behind the group name of these wise and elusive birds.

Key Takeaways

  • A group of owls is called a parliament.
  • The term ‘parliament’ comes from the Latin word parlamentum.
  • The term was first used in the early 1400s by English writer John Wycliffe.
  • The term ‘parliament’ is used to refer to any group that meets regularly to discuss matters of importance.

Group Names for Different Animals

When it comes to naming groups of animals, one intriguing example is a parliament, which refers to a group of owls. The term ‘parliament’ is derived from the Latin word parlamentum and was first used in the early 1400s by English writer John Wycliffe.

It is interesting to note that the collective noun for a group of crows is also called a parliament. The term ‘parliament’ is used to refer to any group that meets regularly to discuss matters of importance, and it is fitting for owls as they are known for their vocalizations and communication. Additionally, owls have over 20 different calls, making them highly vocal birds.

The name ‘parliament’ also reflects the small size of some owl species, as these gatherings can often be seen perched together in high places.

Interesting Facts About Owls

Continuing from the previous subtopic, it is fascinating to discover intriguing facts about owls and their unique characteristics. Here are four interesting facts about owls:

  1. Exceptional Eyesight: Owls have excellent vision, with eyes that are adapted for low light conditions. Their large eyes are fixed in their sockets, meaning they cannot move their eyes like humans can. To compensate for this, owls have the ability to rotate their heads up to 270 degrees, allowing them to see in all directions without moving their bodies.
  2. Silent Hunters: Owls are known for their silent flight, which is essential for their hunting success. The edges of their feathers are fringed, allowing them to navigate through the air without creating noise. This enables them to surprise their prey, making them highly efficient predators.
  3. Group Living: Contrary to popular belief, owls are not solitary creatures. They often live in groups called parliaments, where they roost together in high places like trees or buildings. This communal living provides them with safety, companionship, and increased chances of successful hunting.
  4. Unique Adaptations: Owls possess several unique adaptations that make them well-suited for their nocturnal lifestyle. For instance, their feathers are specially designed to reduce noise and provide insulation. Additionally, their facial discs act as sound collectors, allowing them to locate prey accurately even in complete darkness.

These intriguing facts about owls highlight their remarkable abilities and make them truly fascinating creatures.

Group Names for Birds

Following the exploration of interesting facts about owls, the discussion now turns to the topic of group names for birds. Like many other animals, birds also have specific names for groups of their species. Some of these names are quite unique and intriguing.

For example, a group of owls is called a parliament, which is derived from the Latin word parlamentum. This term was first used in the early 1400s by English writer John Wycliffe. Interestingly, the collective noun for a group of crows is also called a parliament.

Other interesting group names for birds include a flock of parrots, a murder of crows, and a flicker of woodpeckers. These group names add a touch of curiosity and fascination to the study of birds and their behavior.

Origins of the Term ‘Parliament’ for Owls

The term ‘parliament’ for a group of owls originated from the Latin word parlamentum, as discussed in the previous subtopic about group names for birds. The use of the term ‘parliament’ for owls is significant and intriguing. Here are four important points regarding the origins of this term:

  1. Latin origin: The term ‘parliament’ comes from the Latin word parlamentum, which means a speaking or talking assembly. This reflects the vocalizations and communication observed among owls.
  2. English writer: The term was first used in the early 1400s by English writer John Wycliffe. It is believed that Wycliffe used the term to describe the gatherings of owls due to their vocal nature and the perceived importance of their interactions.
  3. Shared term: Interestingly, the collective noun for a group of crows is also called a parliament. This shared term between owls and crows may be due to their similar social behaviors and communal roosting habits.
  4. Broad application: The term ‘parliament’ is not exclusive to owls and crows. It is used to refer to any group that meets regularly to discuss matters of importance. Thus, the term ‘parliament’ can also be used for other groups of birds or even non-avian species when appropriate.

Other Group Names for Owls

The diverse terminology used to refer to a group of owls extends beyond the commonly known term ‘parliament’. While ‘parliament’ is the most recognized collective noun for owls, there are other intriguing group names associated with these fascinating creatures.

One such term is ‘bazaar’, which is used to describe a group of owls. This name may stem from the owls’ nocturnal hunting habits, as they silently navigate through the night, much like shoppers in a bustling bazaar.

Another lesser-known term is ‘ostentation’, which refers to a collection of owls. This name may have originated from the owls’ extravagant displays of their unique features and behaviors.

These alternative group names for owls add to the intrigue and mystique surrounding these captivating birds.

The Significance of Owl Vocalizations

Continuing our exploration of owl group names, it is essential to delve into the significance of owl vocalizations. Owls are known for their unique and diverse range of vocalizations, which serve various purposes in their communication and survival strategies. Here are four significant aspects of owl vocalizations:

  1. Species Identification: Each owl species has its distinctive vocalization patterns, allowing them to identify and communicate with members of their own species.
  2. Territory Defense: Owls use vocalizations to establish and defend their territories. Their hoots and screeches serve as warning signals to potential intruders, asserting their presence and defending their resources.
  3. Mating and Courtship: Owl vocalizations play a crucial role in attracting mates and establishing pair bonds. Males often serenade females with melodic hoots and calls to display their fitness and attract a suitable partner.
  4. Communication with Offspring: Adult owls use vocalizations to communicate with their offspring, teaching them essential skills and warning them of potential dangers.

Understanding the significance of owl vocalizations provides valuable insights into their behavior, social dynamics, and overall survival strategies.

The Connection Between Owls and Communication

What is the relationship between owls and communication?

Owls are known for their exceptional vocalizations and communication skills. They have a wide range of calls, which they use for various purposes such as territorial defense, attracting mates, and maintaining group cohesion. Owls have specialized vocal structures that allow them to produce a variety of sounds, including hoots, screeches, and trills.

These vocalizations are often species-specific and serve as a means of identification within the group. Furthermore, owls communicate through visual cues, such as body language and feather positioning, which can convey important information about their intentions and emotions.

The ability of owls to communicate effectively is crucial for their survival and social interactions within their parliament. Their communication skills make them fascinating creatures to study and admire.


In conclusion, the term ‘parliament’ used to describe a gathering of owls holds historical significance and reflects the social nature of these majestic birds.

The origins of this term can be traced back to the Middle Ages, and it is connected to other group names for birds. Owls, known for their wisdom and communication through vocalizations, have inspired various collective nouns.

Understanding the group name of owls adds to our knowledge of their unique behaviors and enhances our appreciation for these intriguing creatures.

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